Fetish Movies Ad Campaign

Client: FetishMovies.com

While working at FetishMovies.com, I pitched doing an ad campaign for the website that included a new branding strategy I had come up with. While the website had focused on giving users what they wanted, I created a campaign that put the focus back on the user instead. “What’s YOUR Fetish?”

As an in-house designer, we rarely got the chance to do these ideas, as all the work was done by someone outside the company. I pitched the concept to my manager, he pitched it to the owner, and it was approved. I created a series of print ads, web banners, and business cards that all kept the central message.

The campaign was a hit, and we saw a 25% increase in traffic to the website.

FetishMovies.com Magazine Ad with Carmen Rivera FetishMovies.com Magazine Latex Ad FetishMovies.com Magazine FemDom Ad FetishMovies.com Magazine Latex Ad with Carmen Rivera FetishMovies.com Business Cards